2 research outputs found

    The market of cumaru nuts (Dipteryx odorata) in the State of Pará, Brazil

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    O presente artigo analisou o mercado de amêndoas de semente de cumaru (Dipteryx odorada (Aubl.) Willd.) no estado do Pará na safra de 2005. As informações secundárias foram obtidas através do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística IBGE e do sistema de informação Aliceweb, do Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior. As informações primárias da cadeia foram obtidas através de entrevistas com os agentes envolvidos na comercialização. Os resultados mostram que atualmente os principais países importadores são o Japão, França, Alemanha e China. Aproximadamente 2.700 famílias estão envolvidas no extrativismo de cumaru em todo os estado. As Margens Brutas foram, respectivamente, 20,0 e 15,0% (paras os dois grupos de atravessadores), 33,3 e 46,7%. Já a Markup foi de 75,0% para os atravessadores, 166,7% para as empresas exportadoras do interior e 233,3% para as empresas atacadistas em Belém. No total o Markup foi de 500,0%. O preço do quilo da amêndoa variou de R3,00paraosextrativistasateˊR 3,00 para os extrativistas até R 18,00 para as empresas atacadistas. Também foi possível averiguar que os responsáveis pelo maior acréscimo de preço no produto são as empresas exportadoras, o que gera ganhos desproporcionais ao longo da cadeia.Palavras-chave: Cadeia produtiva; cumaru; extrativismo. AbstractThe market of cumaru nuts (Dipteryx odorata) in the State of Pará, Brazil. The study aimed to present the results of a market study of cumaru nuts in the State of Pará, for the 2005 harvest. The data used in the research were obtained at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the exportation information system of the Ministry of Developing, Industry and Foreign Commerce (Aliceweb). The gross profit was R3.00,R 3.00, R 2.25, and R7.00/kg.Butthemarkupwas75.0 7.00/ kg. But the markup was 75.0% for the intermediary, 166.7% for the interior wholesale companies, and 233.3% for the wholesale companies from Belém, the State capital. The total markup from the beginning to the end of the market chain was approximately 500%. The price of the nut ranged from R 3.00 for the collectors to R18.00/kgforthewholesalecompanies.Itwasobservedthatthemajoradditionstotheproductpricewereimposedbytheexportingcompanies,whichgenerateunequalgainswithinthechain.Thereareapproximately2.700familiesinvolvedincumarunutscollectionthatareexportedmainlytoJapan,France,GermanyandChina.Keywords:Supllychain;cumaru;extractvism.Thestudyaimedtopresenttheresultsofamarketstudyof cumaru nutsintheStateofParaˊ,forthe2005harvest.ThedatausedintheresearchwereobtainedattheBrazilianInstituteofGeographyandStatistics(IBGE)andtheexportationinformationsystemoftheMinistryofDeveloping,IndustryandForeignCommerce(Aliceweb).ThegrossprofitwasR 18.00/kg for the wholesale companies. It was observed that the major additions to the product price were imposed by the exporting companies, which generate unequal gains within the chain. There are approximately 2.700 families involved in cumaru nuts collection that are exported mainly to Japan, France, Germany and China.Keywords: Suplly chain; cumaru; extractvism.The study aimed to present the results of a market study of cumaru nuts in the State of Pará, for the 2005 harvest. The data used in the research were obtained at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the exportation information system of the Ministry of Developing, Industry and Foreign Commerce (Aliceweb). The gross profit was R 3.00, R2.25,andR 2.25, and R 7.00/ kg. But the markup was 75.0% for the intermediary, 166.7% for the interior wholesale companies, and 233.3% for the wholesale companies from Belém, the State capital. The total markup from the beginning to the end of the market chain was approximately 500%. The price of the nut ranged from R3.00forthecollectorstoR 3.00 for the collectors to R 18.00/kg for the wholesale companies. It was observed that the major additions to the product price were imposed by the exporting companies, which generate unequal gains within the chain. There are approximately 2.700 families involved in cumaru nuts collection that are exported mainly to Japan, France, Germany and China


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    The study aimed to present the results of a market study of cumaru nuts in the State of Pará, for the 2005 harvest. The data used in the research were obtained at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the exportation information system of the Ministry of Developing, Industry and Foreign Commerce (Aliceweb). The gross profit was R3.00,R 3.00, R 2.25, and R7.00/kg.Butthemarkupwas75.0 7.00/ kg. But the markup was 75.0% for the intermediary, 166.7% for the interior wholesale companies, and 233.3% for the wholesale companies from Belém, the State capital. The total markup from the beginning to the end of the market chain was approximately 500%. The price of the nut ranged from R 3.00 for the collectors to R18.00/kgforthewholesalecompanies.Itwasobservedthatthemajoradditionstotheproductpricewereimposedbytheexportingcompanies,whichgenerateunequalgainswithinthechain.Thereareapproximately2.700familiesinvolvedin cumaru nutscollectionthatareexportedmainlytoJapan,France,GermanyandChina.Opresenteartigoanalisouomercadodeame^ndoasdesementedecumaru(Dipteryxodorada(Aubl.)Willd.)noestadodoParaˊnasafrade2005.Asinformac\co~essecundaˊriasforamobtidasatraveˊsdoInstitutoBrasileirodeGeografiaeEstatıˊsticaIBGEedosistemadeinformac\ca~oAliceweb,doMinisteˊriodoDesenvolvimento,InduˊstriaeComeˊrcioExterior.Asinformac\co~esprimaˊriasdacadeiaforamobtidasatraveˊsdeentrevistascomosagentesenvolvidosnacomercializac\ca~o.Osresultadosmostramqueatualmenteosprincipaispaıˊsesimportadoressa~ooJapa~o,Franc\ca,AlemanhaeChina.Aproximadamente2.700famıˊliasesta~oenvolvidasnoextrativismodecumaruemtodoosestado.AsMargensBrutasforam,respectivamente,20,0e15,0 18.00/kg for the wholesale companies. It was observed that the major additions to the product price were imposed by the exporting companies, which generate unequal gains within the chain. There are approximately 2.700 families involved in cumaru nuts collection that are exported mainly to Japan, France, Germany and China.O presente artigo analisou o mercado de amêndoas de semente de cumaru (Dipteryx odorada (Aubl.) Willd.) no estado do Pará na safra de 2005. As informações secundárias foram obtidas através do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística IBGE e do sistema de informação Aliceweb, do Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior. As informações primárias da cadeia foram obtidas através de entrevistas com os agentes envolvidos na comercialização. Os resultados mostram que atualmente os principais países importadores são o Japão, França, Alemanha e China. Aproximadamente 2.700 famílias estão envolvidas no extrativismo de cumaru em todo os estado. As Margens Brutas foram, respectivamente, 20,0 e 15,0% (paras os dois grupos de atravessadores), 33,3 e 46,7%. Já a Markup foi de 75,0% para os atravessadores, 166,7% para as empresas exportadoras do interior e 233,3% para as empresas atacadistas em Belém. No total o Markup foi de 500,0%. O preço do quilo da amêndoa variou de R 3,00 para os extrativistas até R18,00paraasempresasatacadistas.Tambeˊmfoipossıˊvelaveriguarqueosresponsaˊveispelomaioracreˊscimodeprec\conoprodutosa~oasempresasexportadoras,oquegeraganhosdesproporcionaisaolongodacadeia.Palavraschave:Cadeiaprodutiva;cumaru;extrativismo. AbstractThemarketofcumarunuts(Dipteryxodorata)intheStateofParaˊ,Brazil.ThestudyaimedtopresenttheresultsofamarketstudyofcumarunutsintheStateofParaˊ,forthe2005harvest.ThedatausedintheresearchwereobtainedattheBrazilianInstituteofGeographyandStatistics(IBGE)andtheexportationinformationsystemoftheMinistryofDeveloping,IndustryandForeignCommerce(Aliceweb).ThegrossprofitwasR 18,00 para as empresas atacadistas. Também foi possível averiguar que os responsáveis pelo maior acréscimo de preço no produto são as empresas exportadoras, o que gera ganhos desproporcionais ao longo da cadeia.Palavras-chave: Cadeia produtiva; cumaru; extrativismo. AbstractThe market of cumaru nuts (Dipteryx odorata) in the State of Pará, Brazil. The study aimed to present the results of a market study of cumaru nuts in the State of Pará, for the 2005 harvest. The data used in the research were obtained at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the exportation information system of the Ministry of Developing, Industry and Foreign Commerce (Aliceweb). The gross profit was R 3.00, R2.25,andR 2.25, and R 7.00/ kg. But the markup was 75.0% for the intermediary, 166.7% for the interior wholesale companies, and 233.3% for the wholesale companies from Belém, the State capital. The total markup from the beginning to the end of the market chain was approximately 500%. The price of the nut ranged from R3.00forthecollectorstoR 3.00 for the collectors to R 18.00/kg for the wholesale companies. It was observed that the major additions to the product price were imposed by the exporting companies, which generate unequal gains within the chain. There are approximately 2.700 families involved in cumaru nuts collection that are exported mainly to Japan, France, Germany and China.Keywords: Suplly chain; cumaru; extractvism